Mary Helen Dunn, Russell Reynolds Associates

Mary Helen Dunn, Russell Reynolds Associates
It was a very windy day in the City. We had to tie down all of our lighting and gear. Funny, but her hair does not seem to be blowing…yes, it’s true, we did use tons of hair shellac.
George Wilbanks, Headhunter Extraordinaire

George Wilbanks, Headhunter Extraordinaire
He’s got the whole world in his hands. I couldn’t believe that George was actually able to get us up on top of the MetLife Building, scene of a horrible helicopter accident during my first few weeks in New York City over forty plus years ago when it was called the Pan Am Building.
Melissa HalpernRojas, Self-Nourishment Coach

Melissa HalpernRojas, Self-Nourishment Coach
It’s not easy to be self-aware – especially when it’s your job. Melissa has a special gift of enlightenment. She helps others take care of themselves so they can take care of others. Her secret? Love.
Joanna Miller de Zwart, Executive Recruiter

Joanna Miller de Zwart, Executive Recruiter
Women executives are such a pleasure to photograph. They are so glad to present themselves as smart, competent, capable leaders…and rightfully so. It doesn’t hurt to be a member of the Yale Club.
Joanna Miller de Zwart, Executive Recruiter

Rabbi in Morning Prayers
It is a powerful experience to be in the middle of Yeshiva prayers. A few thousand years’ of reflection bring people together several times a day to honor their Creator and the laws that guide their lives. One cannot help but feel the powerful embrace of generations.
Tanya Tamer, Investment Analyst, Spruceview Capital Partners

Tanya Tamer, Investment Analyst, Spruceview Capital Partners
When I first met Tanya, I thought that it might be a challenge to get her to open up. I was so very wrong. Oh, to be on the threshold of life and the pursuit of happiness!
Stacey Regan, GE Risk Manager

Stacey Regan, GE Risk Manager
Environments tell so much of the story in a person’s portrait. On top of her game, this risk manager is responsible for liability at a major international corporation…not a small thing. The tilted camera brings dynamic energy to the photograph, sliding forward one’s attention to the subject.
Michael Adamo, Winthrop-University Hospital Data Center Manager

Michael Adamo, Winthrop-University Hospital Data Center Manager
I was bored with the “here we are again with the data man in the data center” type of photo. I like to see depth and texture in an image, and something unexpected. Our subject is truly at one with his work.
Dr. Stephen Moshman, Professor of Medicine and Conductor

Dr. Stephen Moshman, Professor of Medicine and Conductor
Passion is such a beautiful thing. Can’t imagine a life without it. I guess that is what all creation is about.
Board of Directors, New York Medical College

Board of Directors, New York Medical College
Can you believe we did this in late October? The venue really had no suitable inside location to make a rich portrait of distinguished personalities. So…I opted to shoot outside in the lush green environs, despite the after-dark arrival of the guests. We lit the entire scene. I just had to have that color and texture.
UBS Chairman’s Council, Gleneagles Scotland

UBS Chairman’s Council, Gleneagles Scotland
I had the monumental responsibility and great pleasure of photographing The Chairman’s Council all over the world for eighteen years. It began here at Gleneagles with only seventy-eight people in 1993 for Paine Webber and returned fourteen years later to make this portrait of one hundred and thirty-seven very stylish money managers. They went off to have a lovely celebration and I was honored to have had this opportunity.
Huntress, Leesburg, Virginia

Huntress, Leesburg, Virginia
Autumn fox hunt. Noble animals pursuing an exciting Thanksgiving tradition.
Clea Newman, Philanthropist

Clea Newman, Philanthropist
Weird how being in the presence of the daughter of a major celebrity can be a little unnerving. She blew me away with her grace and charm. Actually sat and edited the photos with me. We had a lovely chat and I won an award for the image.
Michael Valletta, Director of Microsoft Technology Center, NYC

Michael Valletta, Director of Microsoft Technology Center, NYC
Often people will say, “oh, you can’t shoot in this room because of the reflections in the glass wall.” And I say, “oh yeah?” Black velvet is really useful to have in the tool box. Not only was there a glass wall behind the subject but behind the camera as well.
Jennifer Stockman, Guggenheim Foundation President

Jennifer Stockman, Guggenheim Foundation President
Every now and then we are presented with a location so rich that it is difficult to select the best spot to do the portrait. I liked the contrast between the serene and the precious with the ominous figure in the art and the darkness beyond the open door. Careful, little puppy!
Diane Sembrot, Magazine Editor

Diane Sembrot, Magazine Editor
Having opted out of Beauty Photography for the more reliable world of Corporate Photography early on in my career, it is good to still have some opportunities to bring raving beauty to light.
Brenda Fareri, Philanthropist

Brenda Fareri, Philanthropist
Brenda tragically lost her 13-year old daughter, Maria, to a one-in-150 million chance of getting rabies in 1995. She then devoted her life to building a state-of-the-art children’s hospital that could help save the lives of others’ children. The depth of sorrow of losing a child is unimaginable to me.
Walter Welsh, Attorney, Whitmyer IP Group

Walter Welsh, Attorney, Whitmyer IP Group
Space divided. It is important for me to understand how people feel walking into a studio set in a conference room where they normally would be working and discussing important issues. Being photographed normally makes people self-conscious. We work them through that.
Rob Gregory, President, Whosay

Rob Gregory, President, Whosay
It was my first time in an office space with no walls except for this conference room. My how things have changed in the Millennial Age. Only a few years ago this man would have been wearing a suit and tie. The vibe is definitely more relaxed, allowing for more personal interaction. I still wear a coat and tie into a corporate office. It gives and gets more respect, even if out of place.
Max Lu, World Chess Master

Max Lu, World Chess Master
Must be interesting, if not difficult, being fifth in the world, in one’s age group, at doing anything, let alone chess. Good to have a supportive family.
Paige Wallace, Westport Teen To Watch

Paige Wallace, Westport Teen To Watch
What a lovely young lady! But is she the teacher or the student?
Will Nellis, Westport Teen To Watch

Will Nellis, Westport Teen To Watch
This was a really fun job to do. We projected photos that the teens supplied on the background and fit them into the image. Layers of reality telling a story.
Michael Nichan, Chef Dressing Room Restaurant, Westport, CT

Michael Nichan, Chef Dressing Room Restaurant, Westport, CT
Here’s a man who got to cook for President Obama. Nice to be in good company. But the interesting aspect of this photo is the background. You thought is was brick, didn’t you? NOT. It is a 4’x 8’ sheet of pressed board made to look like bricks.
Chubb Executive Management Group

Chubb Executive Management Group
So nice to have a colorful room to make a portrait of executives in. No need to up the saturation here. More important is that they look real and relaxed, poised, not posed.
Altus Capital Partners

Altus Capital Partners
And here we are again in the modern age. Interesting that the decision was made for them to take off their coats and ties so they could appeal more to the Millennials they might hire or invest money for.
Beatrice Chessman, Receptionist at Axiom Investors

Beatrice Chessman, Receptionist at Axiom Investors
I often like to say, “I should have been a beauty photographer.” Well here ya go! No fashion model here though, Beatrice is a very accomplished artist and painter, just standing in to test the light for her boss.
Pamela Jenrette, Makeup Artist Extraordinaire

Pamela Jenrette, Makeup Artist Extraordinaire
Pam and I have worked together for many years and every time we do, she ends up with what in her words is “one of the best photos I have of me.” Thank you Pamela for standing in to test the light and being the best at what you do.
Elisa LiBretto, Office Manager, Staple Street Capital

Elisa LiBretto, Office Manager, Staple Street Capital
I know that many people say that crossed arms indicate a closed and standoffish personality. Some people refuse to do it on that grounds. I hardly believe that Elisa is standoffish in any way. And besides, it is a commanding position and the photo looks better with her hands in the frame.
Sileni Cabrera, Touro College

Sileni Cabrera, Touro College
“Who, Me?” Sileni could not wait to be photographed. Few people are able to express this desire, though I suspect most people appreciate the attention. For me, it is my favorite thing to do. Love the light.
Matt Abrahams, Associate, RF Partners, Chicago, IL

Matt Abrahams, Associate, RF Partners, Chicago, IL
We photographed half of the team in New York in an older office building with small windows and few architectural details. The other half in Chicago where there were no interior details but huge windows with awesome views. A conundrum. We ended up reshooting some of the NYC work. The environment can make all the difference in a successful portrait.