I am the son of an immigrant, who was the son of immigrants.
I am the son of an immigrant, who was the son of immigrants. Most of us here in our beloved United States of America are immigrants. Unfortunately, in recent years we have become not so united. I grew up in a small meat packing town in southern Minnesota where everyone was white and spoke English, except for my father. I returned in 2017 to discover, much to my amazement, that there are over 50 languages spoken there now. What’s more, the town has welcomed the newcomers from all over the world with open arms, helping them to become part of the community and eventually new Americans. In this age of fear, animosity and division I was called by my guardian angel to tell the story of an inclusive community with a photo book and traveling exhibit project called Our Austin, Our America. Hopefully other communities that are struggling with the influx of immigrants will see the light of multicultural life and that it is so much better to live in peace together. The following portraits reflect that light of human compassion and unity. I am proud to have had the opportunity to give back to the community that has helped to make me who I am.
Thank you Austin, Minnesota. Enjoy the gallery.